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Speed-up and efficiency-increasing effect are obvious

​AMBER Optimized MD Workstation

AMBER Optimized 4090 Graphics Cards with 24GB GDDR6X GPU Workstation built for Molecular Dynamics to provide value-add systems for GPU accelerated Molecular Dynamics simulations.

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Speed-up AMBER's operation

On-line and ready-to-use

Customize and build a verified computing environment

24/7 expert services

​Optimize GPU

The latest GPU hardware, featuring NVIDIA RTX 4090 Graphics Cards with 24GB GDDR6X and more to run AMBER MD simulations faster.


Our workstations are preconfigured for your needs, ready to use upon delivery, saving you time and effort.

Optimized and Tested

Single and multi-GPU solutions are pre-configured, tested, and optimized to run AMBER MD simulations.

AMBER 22 GPU Benchmarks run on SP Systems


Need Assistance? We're here to help.

Unsure what to get? Have technical questions?
Contact SP and we'll help you design a custom system which will meet your research needs.

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