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Workstation & Clusters

Fequently Asked Questions

Are SingleParticle workstations and clusters customizable?

Our system configuration is optimized for SPA (Single Particle Analysis) , Cryo-ET (cryo-electron tomography) and Molecular Dynamics and presents reliability and flexibility of expansion. Customization depends on your work load and the budget. 

Are OS and software pre-installed?

Yes. They are pre-installed and tested and verified before shipping. Licensed software needs a license to do so. 
For commercial software, such as MotionCor2, Chimera, CryoSPARC, etc., you will need to request a license before we can assist the installation.

How do we get technical support?

Submit a ticket through the service portal Our team could remotely solve issues in minutes to save your time. The SingleParticle tech team is composed of Linux, cryo-EM, Molecular Dynamics professionals, many of them are PhDs. Most clients choose us and stay with us for years because of their confidence in our systems' performance, service quality, and support team's expertise.

Do you provide a dual Operating System setup?

Yes. Our workstations can be set up to dual boot from Linux and Windows (for Warp/M). 

How do you manage clusters?

Our technical team offers the guidance for setting up an adequate computing resources in your own laboratory, such as a cluster.  Bright Computing cluster software is used to manage everything and it will be similar to university HPC clusters but with a much smaller scale. Ideally, you want to add in a headnode with only CPUs and centralize the storage hardware too. 

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